Saturday, May 28, 2011

You Win Some, You Lose Some

Well  Manchester lost to Barcelona today. I'm not a huge football fan, pretentious enough to call it
 "football" though. John's a Utd fan, and I'm a fan of England in general, so we're just a mess over here!!
But the lucky charm scones I made for the big game were definitely winners.
The Manchester Mashed Potato Scone. Yes, Sir Alex Ferguson loves potato scones. Although he's a Scotsman, Scottish scones are a bit more like crumpets, but nobody has to know that. Our patrons at the shop didn't really get the connection but they were enjoyed none the less. I explained it to one man (a long time scone fan) and he appreciated it. He even took one home to have for breakfast with some eggs...and some blood pudding? Haggis? 
So lesson learned: Good Scones do not mean great Football victories. But they were really yummy. I added chives and sour cream and the mashed potatoes maintained their fluffiness but it was still crumbly like a scone. 
So here's some more ideas for sports related scones...
Chicago Cubs Deep Dish Scone?  Bronx Bomber Pizza Scone? Savory Sabre Buffalo and Blue Cheese Scone? Dallas Cowboys Chipotle Scones? 
I think I'm on to something...gimme a box to wear around my neck and some singles so I can quickly make change. 
Scones here! Gettcher scones here! Fresh baked scones here! 

Friday, May 27, 2011

Long Weekend...

Well, for most, for me it's just another busy work weekend. But Monday is my favorite holiday.  Memorial Day! I love it! Kick off to summer with beer and bbq, and MY favorite part...a parade of old men! I never miss the parade! (Although it's sadly getting shorter and shorter, if you blink you MIGHT miss it!! ) Oh, I can't wait!
Since it is also Fleet Week, I'm sharing my very own fleet of cute sailor inspired dresses for the weekend, and the rest of the summer...

Everyone, enjoy the long weekend!!

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cinco de Oh My!

My little niece is making me so proud this week with her love of "outfits for every occasion." I'm sure it's driving my sister nuts, but sometimes you need a safari outfit, a tea party dress, a play outside dress, etc. Well, in case you were wondering where she got this notion from (I think it stems from my mom actually) here is more proof that I do, indeed, have an outfit for every occasion. 
Yup, that's a vintage skirt and a vintage apron (both gifts from Joanne) with a very Mexican theme.  And in case you really can't make it out, it's a chicken. One is being held upside down and the other is running in the opposite direction. 
Well, sadly no one complimented me on this. I like to think it was because it was so OBVIOUS there was no need to mention it. Although I did tell my friend Arturo about it the day before and he liked the idea, that counts for something, right?