Saturday, May 7, 2011

Cinco de Oh My!

My little niece is making me so proud this week with her love of "outfits for every occasion." I'm sure it's driving my sister nuts, but sometimes you need a safari outfit, a tea party dress, a play outside dress, etc. Well, in case you were wondering where she got this notion from (I think it stems from my mom actually) here is more proof that I do, indeed, have an outfit for every occasion. 
Yup, that's a vintage skirt and a vintage apron (both gifts from Joanne) with a very Mexican theme.  And in case you really can't make it out, it's a chicken. One is being held upside down and the other is running in the opposite direction. 
Well, sadly no one complimented me on this. I like to think it was because it was so OBVIOUS there was no need to mention it. Although I did tell my friend Arturo about it the day before and he liked the idea, that counts for something, right? 

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